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Earth News from the Chronicles

Congratulations to students, staff, and faculty in our community for their many extraordinary and distinguishing feats of intellect, athleticism, and artistry. A sampling from November: On Friday, Oct. 28, three University of Georgia students clinched a victory in the Capital One College Bowl, a…
A story that combines campus, alumni, sustainability, the Georgia Bulldogs, and local partnerships weaves the fabric held together by Community threads: It might be difficult to see on television or while attending a game in Sanford Stadium, but if you were to examine the University of Georgia…
An incredible resource of knowledge about flora from around the world – some very familiar, others less so – positioned in a corner of North Campus is a wealth of tastes, cures, and indigenous wisdom. Students in many FYO courses, as well as staff from around Franklin College, have enjoyed and…
Should Africa’s land be owned? Westerners have a crucial blind spot when it comes to engaging with other landholding systems. Private, exclusive title backed by statutory law is sacrosanct in the West, and has been sold to the rest of the world on our behalf through international development…
New research findings, the first comprehensive study of stable isotopes from both animal and plant remains on the island of Cyprus, expand the archaeological understanding of the dynamics of landscape management in Cyprus during the development of social complexity that led to the first cities…

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