The archival aspect of the field positions graduates of the program as responsible and serious candidates for museum or gallery employment. Printmaking majors may enter the areas of private and non-profit print workshops, or attend graduate school where a Master of Fine Art (MFA) degree, required for teaching at the college level, may be earned. At the Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) level, certification is required to teach elementary and high school art.
Undergraduate Printmaking and Book Arts
The Printmaking and Book Arts program is ideal for undergraduate students who are keenly interested in using printmaking as the primary medium of expression. Students will need to be self-disciplined and persevering, with an interest in expressing themselves skillfully and aesthetically in a variety of print media. The program emphasizes intellectual curiosity and encourages an experimental and innovative attitude. Drawing ability and a sense of design are essential skills to succeed in the program, as is the ability to accept direction and criticism.
The creation of a portfolio, a requirement for obtaining a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree, allows the student to approach galleries and art centers for representation. Learn more about BFA degree requirements at the Lamar Dodd School of Art here.
Graduate Printmaking and Book Arts
The Master of Fine Art (MFA) program in Printmaking and Book Arts promotes creative, technical, and intellectual diversity and excellence in all print mediums and book arts. The program encourages independence and individuality in its students. It also aims to foster experimentation and interdisciplinary approaches to making prints and books.
The graduate program has private studios for up to eight MFA students at one time. The area occupies six separate studios on two floors occupying over 11,000 square feet of floor space. Nearly all of our main studios offer large windows with natural lighting and excellent ventilation. For more information about graduate programs at the Lamar Dodd School of Art, contact our Graduate Office.
To see a list of recently completed MFA theses, click here.
Housed in the main building of the Lamar Dodd School of Art, the Printmaking and Book Arts Area occupies nearly 10,000 square feet with six separate studios on two floors. Spaces include private graduate and faculty studios; a digital output lab and archives; lithography, intaglio, and relief studios; a screenprinting and dark room; a dedicated letterpress studio; a papermaking and book arts room; as well as a dedicated project space. Nearly all of our spaces offer large windows with natural lighting and excellent ventilation. Find more details about our facilities here and see images here.
Printmaking Student Association
PSA is a graduate and undergraduate student organization recognized by UGA’s student government. All printmaking and book arts majors are automatically members. The club is extremely active in fundraising efforts in order to fund student-organized trips to printmaking conferences including Southern Graphics Council International and the Mid America Print Council. PSA also invites 2–3 visiting artists to the Printmaking and Book Arts Area every year in order to engage with students in a print-based project, as well as providing a lecture, critiques and occasionally an exhibition of their work.