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International News from the Chronicles

As machine learning techniques and the reach of large language models (LLMs) become integrated into leading-edge research projects that span the university, the Institute for Artificial Intelligence is creating early leverage for collaborative faculty projects to access greater external support.…
Nika Shlomi, an Honors student in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences studying biology, psychology and dance. Recently returned from a UGA Oxford study abroad experience, she shares details about her international experience as well as how her minor in dance compliments her majors and aligns…
The critical element of life balance and time away from professional duties provides an ever-green yet timely focus of new research from UGA psychology. Employees and employers can enhance both work and life by adhering to a regular cadence of vacation rest and relaxation – and honestly unplugging…
Pesticide-resistant crops create prosperous opportunities but spark concern about health for both humans and the environment.    Agricultural biotechnology has created pesticide-resistant crops that are central to many Argentinian farmers. Franklin College faculty member Pablo Lapegna,…
Across the New Year, Franklin faculty remained constantly engaged in research, scholarship and media outreach around the globe.  A few of the many stories that framed the calendar change over the previous month: 2024 likely the warmest year on record — why it matters to you – Georgia Athletic…

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