10/16/2024 |
October 16:Research Scientist Dossiers Due! Please read the Guidelines carefully. (Section 5 and Appendix B) and submit the dossier as one pdf to John Boroski at johnjohn@uga.edu. These dossiers must be reviewed by the College before submission so do not follow any other due date! Dossiers must also include this Recommendation for Promotion form: |
11/6/2024 |
November 6:Nominations are due for the following awards: General Sandy Beaver Teaching Professorship Sandy Beaver Excellence in Teaching Awards Dossier preparation directions are located via the links. If you have any questions, please contact John Boroski at johnjohn@uga.edu. |
12/2/2024 |
December 2:Major Repair and Renovation Requests for FY26 and/or Laboratory Enhancement Requests for FY25 - email one pdf to Leslie Morrow at lmorrow@uga.edu. Classroom Enhancement Requests for FY25 - email one pdf to Debbie Tonks at foitnews@uga.edu. |