The Sandy Beaver Teaching Professorships honor faculty in the Franklin College who have distinguished themselves as outstanding teachers at the University of Georgia. This is a two-year professorship; for each of those two academic years, Beaver Professors will receive a $6,000 salary supplement and a $2,000 support account.
Beaver Professors are expected to take a leadership role as advocates for good teaching in their departments and in the College, and they must carry a normal teaching load in their department as determined by the Dean, through an appropriate assignment of regular classes, laboratories, and team-teaching. Advocacy of teaching might include, but isn’t limited to, activities such as participation in teaching seminars and symposia, active learning mentoring, mentoring of junior faculty or graduate students, peer evaluation, annual teaching of a freshman seminar, or course development.
All tenured faculty members in the College are eligible to apply; previous or current holders of the professorship are eligible to apply six years after the expiration of their term.
Faculty with reduced teaching loads are not eligible for the professorship, and faculty who take research leave during the term of their professorship must relinquish the position.
Faculty who hold a Special Professorship (e.g., Alumni Foundation, Distinguished Professorship, Research Professorship) or an administrative position must relinquish such a distinction as a condition of appointment and service as a Sandy Beaver Teaching Professor.
Faculty members can self-nominate or be nominated by fellow faculty members, including department heads. Applicants or nominators should submit a dossier formatted as a single paginated PDF to John Boroski ( by November 6, 2024.
The dossier, not to exceed twenty pages, shall include a curriculum vitae of one or two pages and materials that attest to the applicant’s accomplishments in teaching, such as:
• Statement of teaching or self-reflection on teaching
• A letter from a head, director, or mentor about the applicant's teaching
• Letters from students, alumni, and/or trained peers about the applicant's teaching (the inclusion of unsigned letters, including e-mails, is not recommended)
• Evidence of former students’ accomplishments
• A compilation of numerical data taken from the student evaluations of courses taught during the past three years
• Selected student comments from teaching evaluations representative of specific learning outcomes
• Evidence of creativity in the development of new courses and in the preparation of projects (such as Honors theses)