What does your brain do when you listen to an audio book? How and where does comprehension take place?
Coupling fMRI, which can identify active brain areas, and formal grammars, tools that can define the ways a language uses words,… Read More
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What does your brain do when you listen to an audio book? How and where does comprehension take place?
Coupling fMRI, which can identify active brain areas, and formal grammars, tools that can define the ways a language uses words,… Read More
The Franklin College Web Services team has embarked on an exciting journey: seeking to digitize all of the collections housed within the Georgia Museum of Natural History. It’s a massive undertaking that includes building buy-in and involves… Read More
The Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program® is an educational program with an innovative pedagogical approach tailored to facilitate dialogue across difference. It originated as a means of bringing together campus-based students with incarcerated… Read More
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