Biological Sciences
Spanning the broad field of natural sciences concerned with the study of life and living organisms, the Division of Biological Sciences consists of the departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Plant Biology, Cellular Biology, Microbiology, Genetics, Marine Science, as well as the non-Franklin department Entomology and the Odum School of Ecology.
In addition to having its own B.S. degree program in Biology (with the option of a concentration in neuroscience or marine biology), each department also has its own major and degree program. Due to the tight integration and relatedness of biological disciplines, the Division was created to conduct an undergraduate degree program with the participation of the individual departments and faculty. The Chairman of the Division of Biological Sciences as well as the Director of Undergraduate Degree Program is professor Kristen Miller.
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology | Cellular Biology | Genetics | Marine Sciences | Microbiology | Plant Biology
Fine Arts
Connecting our campus community with a wide variety of cultural programming, the Fine and Performing Arts boasts of a legacy of opportunity for student-artists and audiences. The Division consists of the Lamar Dodd School of Art, the department of Dance, the Hugh Hodgson School of Music and the department of Theatre & Film Studies.
Lamar Dodd School of Art | Dance | Hugh Hodgson School of Music | Theatre & Film Studies
Forming the bedrock of human culture from modern languages and literature to philosophy and religion, the Division of the Humanities comprises eight departments, and a host of concentrations and majors with more than 2,000 students from around the world enrolled in our AB, MA and PhD programs.
Classics | Comparative Literature | English | Germanic & Slavic Studies | History | Linguistics | Philosophy | Religion | Romance Languages
Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Providing a framework for the comprehensive study of the physical world and the chemistry of nature to academic disciplines primarily concerned with numerical methods, the Division of the Physical & Mathematical Sciences comprises six departments offering BS, MS, and PhD degree programs.
Chemistry | Computer Science | Geology | Mathematics | Physics and Astronomy | Statistics
Social & Behavioral Sciences
Investigating society and the relationships among individuals within a society, the Division of the Social Sciences is comprised of branches of knowledge reaching from the Age of the Enlightenment into the 21st century of human activity and existence.
Anthropology | Communication Studies | Geography | Psychology | Sociology