Overview of Plans
The Strategic Plan of the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences has undergone a number of revisions, major and minor, over the past year. Links to three versions of the plan are presented here.
The original strategic plan was prepared by an ad hoc committee, chaired by Professor James Whitney (Geology), of the Franklin College Faculty Senate. His committee included five members elected by the Senate and three members appointed by the Dean. This committee received reports from the College Staff Council, from groups of department heads representing the five basic disciplinary areas of the College, from some departments, from the Dean's Office, from the Student Advisory Council, and from other sources. The Dean's Office edited and revised this plan, leaving it essentially unchanged in substance. The edited version is presented here. Because of length, only the first of the five appendices is included here.
Ad Hoc Committee Strategic Plan
The Dean's Office considers the second version of the plan, "Selected Projects," below, to be the official Strategic Plan of the College. Using the plan submitted by the Senate ad hoc committee as a foundation, and responding to requests from the Vice President for Strategic Planning, this "Selected Projects" plan highlights proposed new areas of development and enhancement in the College. The College plans to maintain existing areas of strength and does not address them in this document.
Selected Projects from Strategic Plan 2000
In response to a request from the Vice President for Strategic Planning, the following "synopsis" of the College strategic plan was prepared:
Synopsis of Strategic Plan
Send comments to strategic@franklin.uga.edu