As part of the cluster hire, the Department of Marine Sciences is seeking a tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor in Marine Microbial Ecology who will apply ‘omics and bioinformatics, modeling approaches, and/or biostatistical methods to marine microbial ecosystems to address climate, community structure, ecosystem function, or other ecological phenomena. The position starts on August 1, 2022 and is an academic year appoint (9 months) with an opportunity to supplement salary during the summer.
Applicants must hold a PhD or equivalent degree in a computational, marine, or biological science area. The successful candidate will also have at least 1 year of postdoctoral training. We are interested in candidates who will combine both wet lab and computational methods, and who will complement existing expertise in experimental studies of marine microbial processes, as well as a record that provides evidence of scholarship, synergistic activities, and the potential to obtain extramural funding.
The successful candidate is expected to contribute to our new and growing Ocean Science B.S. program and to the Marine Sciences graduate programs by teaching both data science and marine microbial ecology components. The successful applicant will also be expected to establish an outstanding research program recognized both nationally and internationally, foster partnerships within and outside the University of Georgia, exhibit a strong commitment to teaching excellence, and support research and mentoring of students and postdocs. The Department of Marine Sciences has faculty located on both the UGA main campus in Athens, where this position will be located, and at the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography in Savannah, GA.