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Human Nature News from the Chronicles

December was a short month on campus but there was no shortage of news stories featuring the work and expertise of Franklin College faculty. A sampling:   Linguistics professor Bill Kretzschmar was quoted in a Fox News article on Google Books study on how language changes over time.…
It's still quiet around campus but our offices are open as faculty and staff get ready to welcome the students back next week. Between now and then we'll have much to share about performances, research, exhibitions, awards and distinguished visitors to campus. So... welcome back. Image: UGA photo…
As the year winds down, I would like to thank everyone for a wonderful 2012 on the Chronicles. We launched the blog right before the new year and brought it into full operation as the year progressed. The Franklin College has wonderful IT professionals, and it is because of them that this idea of a…
A ScienceNow article in features the work of a faculty member from psychology: Primatologist Dorothy Fragaszy of the University of Georgia in Athens says orangutans might have ideas of the sort that Gruber describes, but that’s not the most plausible explanation. Fragaszy cautions that…
From time to time we've mentioned the long-term investments at UGA in people and research on the issue of developing renewable energy sources. The university has cultivated a wide range of expertise on the subject that goes back decades. And all of that research on everything from fermentation of…

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