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Human Nature News from the Chronicles

The breadth of research in psychology is not limited to humans but reaches into questions about how all creatures learn about the world: A new study from University of Georgia behavioral scientists reports that bearded capuchin monkeys, Sapajus libidinosus, are skilled at solving problems…
Very interesting new research from the department of cell biology. The new work has identified the neural pathways in an insect brain tied to eating for pleasure, a discovery that sheds light on mirror impulsive eating pathways in the human brain. "We know when insects are hungry, they eat more,…
They describe surprise in discovering that the calcium copper silicate in Egyptian blue breaks apart into nanosheets so thin that thousands would fit across the width of a human hair. The sheets produce invisible infrared (IR) radiation similar to the beams that communicate between remote…
The Origins Lecture Series continues this week, with the Origins of Biomolecules by Claiborme Glover of biochemistry and molecular biology: This lecture will explore the physical and chemical origins of biomolecules prior to the origin of life.  We will focus first on the "Bio" (the likely…
An outstanding honor will be presented to Henry "Fritz" Schaefer from the American Institute of Chemists: Schaefer, Graham Perdue Professor of Chemistry in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, will receive the Chemical Pioneer Award at the AIC's annual meeting in April. The award recognizes…

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