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Human Nature News from the Chronicles

Two of the three research proposals selected for funding by the Centers for Disease Control in a recent competition are from Franklin College faculty: Funded by the UGA Research Foundation and the CDC, the awards provide pilot research project funding to promote collaboration in scientific…
David Saltz, head of the department of theatre and film studies, and assistant professor Anthony Marotta are presenting a paper this weekend at the International Conference in Commedia dell'Arte at the University of Windsor, Ontario. Their paper, A 21st century huminoid robot, becomes a commedia…
Along with a couple of dozen colleagues from campus, I was involved in a day-long workshop back in the fall on the subject of communicating research: how to accurately condense descriptions of research for public consumption. It's not inevitable that we always can, but we do try. And now, Columns…
Great new work from Debra Mohnen and Li Tan in the BioEnergy Science Center: When Li Tan approached his colleagues at the University of Georgia with some unusual data he had collected, they initially seemed convinced that his experiment had become contaminated; what he was seeing simply didn’t make…
The Chronicle of Higher Education reports on a new study authored by a UGA sociology PhD candidate with some interesting findings: the study, “Technological Change and Professional Control in the Professoriate,” includes interviews with more than 40 professors at three universities. It suggests…

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