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Human Nature News from the Chronicles

The fall 2012 issue of the ugaresearch magazine is out, and available online. It features some great stories on Franklin College faculty, including geography professor Steven Holloway and whole section devoted to the Civil War, with a focus on books by history facuty members Stephen Berry, John…
Chagas disease is a tropical parasitic disease commonly transmitted to humans and other mammals by an insect vector, but it can also be spread through blood transfusions and food contaminated with parasites. It's a horrible scourge that, though eminently treatable, is believed to infect more than 8…
National Science Foundation Career Awards are a bit of misnomer, in that they are titled as though the awards are given at a career pinnacle recognize achievement. In fact, they are early career awards to support, and widen, a promising scope of inquiry by a young researcher. Tianming Liu,…
Professor of microbiology and biochemistry & molecular biology Harry Dailey is an author on a newly published study that reveals a new gene discovery in the quest to better understand human anemias: Scientists at the University of Georgia, Harvard Medical School and the University of Utah have…

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