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Human Nature News from the Chronicles

Professor of microbiology and biochemistry & molecular biology Harry Dailey is an author of a newly published study that reveals a new gene discovery in the quest to better understand human anemias: Scientists at the University of Georgia, Harvard Medical School and the University of Utah have…
Franklin College professor of psychology Leonard Martin tested student's capacity for self-control using some simple tools, and the fascinating results are part of a newly published study: participants performed what is known as the Stroop task where they were asked to identify the color of various…
More terrific news from Franklin College scientists in the CCRC: Ovarian and pancreatic cancers are among the most deadly, not because they are impossible to cure, but because they are difficult to find. There are no screening tests that can reliably detect their presence in early stages, and most…
New changes in molecular structures on the surface of stem cells, recently discovered by UGA researchers, may play a critical role in the specialization process of embryonic growth: Their study, published recently in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, demonstrated how the genetic expression of…
Lots of great speakers on campus during the last week of October. I'll talk about dance choreographer Liz Lerman next week but the deparment of psychology will also bring to campus a neuroscientist whose work identifies the neural and genetic mechanisms that underlie physical attraction, love and…

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