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Human Nature News from the Chronicles

Originally named from an outbreak at an American Legion convention in 1976, Legionellosis or Legionaires' disease is a severe type of pneumonia that affects only a small percentage of the population but can be fatal. UGA researcher Vincent Starai was recently awarded $1,503,565 by the National…
Undergraduate research is one of those great ideas in academia that UGA has utilized to create something truly special. The Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunites was launched way back in the olden days of 1999 and in less than 15 years has solidified a process by which our undergraduates…
Very nice feature (and cover photo) of professor emeritus of English at UGA and very dear friend of the blog Coleman Barks in our local alt. weekly, Flagpole.  The article focuses on one of his recent collections of poetry, Hummingbird Sleep. But few contemporary poets have had the impact of…

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