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Health News from the Chronicles

Polycystic kidney disease is one of the most common life-threatening genetic diseases, affecting an estimated 12.5 million people worldwide, and but one of multiple conditions researchers have connected to defective cilia. UGA researchers recenty published a study describing how cilia are…
UGA psychology research may lead to earlier, better diagnosis of dementia, Alzheimer’s By JESSICA LUTON New research from UGA’s department of psychology may one day lead to a better biomarker for earlier detection of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), the leading predictor of dementia…
Compelling new findings out of the department of psychology Bioimaging Research Center: According to recently published research from the University of Georgia's Franklin College of Arts and Sciences department of psychology, scientists may be one step closer to a better biomarker for earlier…
In last week's Nature magazine, professor and Georgia Research Alliance Distinguished Investigator Boris Striepen makes the case for more research and funding to find a treatment for the protozoan parasite Cryptosporidium, one of four pathogens responsible for severe diarrhea in thousands of…
10. Demonstrating an ability to remain calm under pressure   Still not sure if going to medical school is for you.? Don’t fret. Beyond the classroom and plethora of resources via advisors with the Premedical Studies Program, another good resource for exploring this career direction is a UGA…

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