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Health News from the Chronicles

How our eyes absorb light and achieve great definition in visibilty is a fascinating subject and the focus of one of the best neuroscience researchers in the country, a faculty member in our department of psychology: [People] with more yellow in their macula may have an advantage when it comes…
The UGA Faculty of Infectious Diseases is comprised of many Franklin College faculty members and departments, researchers who have garnered significant resources in the fight against a variety of global health challenges: "The board of regents investment in infectious disease research provided a…
A major advance from researchers in the department of genetics: A team of scientists including researchers from the University of Georgia have grown a fully functional organ from scratch in a living animal for the first time. ... The researchers created a thymus, a butterfly-shaped gland and vital…
Congratulations are in order to University of Georgia professor Vasant Muralidharan, an assistant  professor in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences department of cellular biology. His research was recently highlighted in the journal Nature.  Muralidharan, who studies the biology of…
A collaborative group of researchers at the University of Georgia has received a grant to study the leading cause of pneumonia in older children and young adults.  Researchers will study Bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae with a five-year, $1.9 million grant from the National Institutes of Health…

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