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International News from the Chronicles

And speaking of international programs and experiences, an important part of the immersion that happens during study abroad experiences is increased proficiency in the language of where ever you might go. Of course, students can and should prepare for this on campus by taking advantage of the many…
Students and faculty at the University are fortunate in the extent to which UGA has embraced the importance of study abroad. An international academic experience intertwines crucial cultural elements with instruction in ways that are otherwise inaccessible for students, but also builds richness…
Scientists at the University of Georgia, the University of California, San Diego, UCLA, California State Polytechnic University and the Australia National University have collaborated on a study, published in the journal Nature, suggesting new information on how planets are formed. The study: began…
A senior from Macon, Lauren Anderson is engaged with unique combination of opportunies at UGA to focus her studies at the confluence of U.S. foreign policy and the international politics of human rights. Lauren Anderson: Degree objective: A.B. in international affairs, A.B. in human geography,…
Five UGA undergraduates werenamed 2012-13 NSEP Boren Scholars for study abroad - three of them from the Franklin College: Five University of Georgia undergraduates-a record number-will be spending the next academic year participating in language study abroad programs thanks to the National Security…

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