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International News from the Chronicles

And speaking of inventors, the Lindau-Nobel Laureate Meetings have been connecting generations of scientists for over 50 years. These annual meetings offer a chance for young researchers nominated by a worldwide network of Academic Partners to interact with Nobel Laureates in panel…
In preparing some advance press for a news item, I was interviewing a faculty member about her Fulbright experience earlier this week and it brought us around to a wider discussion about students and faculty going abroad. Our university and Franklin College very much encourage international…
More prestigious honors accrue to Franklin faculty: Henry F. Schaefer III, Graham Perdue professor of chemistry at the University of Georgia and director of the Center for Computational Chemistry in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, has been awarded a Humboldt Research Award from Germany's…
UGA news service reports on newly published work by physics and astronomy faculty member, Zhengwei Pan: Materials that emit visible light after being exposed to sunlight are commonplace and can be found in everything from emergency signage to glow-in-the-dark stickers. But until now, scientists…

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