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Society News from the Chronicles

I was thinking about the upcoming Martin Luther King Holiday on my walk in this morning, how the Civil Rights Era in the U.S. can sometimes seem distant, abstract and merely iconic. But it is so much more than that. The principles for which people fought, marched and died continue to impact us in…
Here's a great little post about Apple and Steve Jobs to start the New Year: In June 1976, Steve Jobs went looking for someone to print the manual for the Apple I computer, the first product from the company he had started with Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne a few months earlier. Jobs's friend…
Interesting, if counter-intuitive, research on the implications of mentoring, from the department of psychology: Networking within an organization and having a mentor are widely thought to promote career success, but a new University of Georgia study finds that African-American men don't receive…
UGA news service reports on newly published work by physics and astronomy faculty member, Zhengwei Pan: Materials that emit visible light after being exposed to sunlight are commonplace and can be found in everything from emergency signage to glow-in-the-dark stickers. But until now, scientists…

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