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Earth News from the Chronicles

Tate Student Center Image: Machu Pichu, courtesy of wikipedia commons and GNU Free Document License.  
And speaking of inventors, the Lindau-Nobel Laureate Meetings have been connecting generations of scientists for over 50 years. These annual meetings offer a chance for young researchers nominated by a worldwide network of Academic Partners to interact with Nobel Laureates in panel…
Next week, the Franklin College hosts Indiana University Chancellor's Professor Roger Hangartner for two lectures in two different parts of campus that bring some focus to a little-regarded subject: the secret life of plants: Lamar Dodd School of Art will present a lecture by molecular, cellular…
In June, 2009, the College joined the department of physics and astronomy in hosting a reception celebrating a $3.2 million renovation to the 50-year-old physics building on Cedar Street, a renovation that included space for the new Center for Simulational Physics. Distinguished Research Professor…
When the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico began to unfold in 2010, spreading agony for acquatic life, gulf-area residents and the federal government - not to mention BP - UGA scientists knew that the long-term consequences of the spill were likely the most worrisome. Now Samantha…

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