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Arts News from the Chronicles

By many accounts, Hollywood has been in the midst of a transformation since at least 2000, the result of changing consumer habits, the bubble burst of 2001, the decline of DVD sales and rentals beginning in 2007, and the collapse of financial markets in 2008. And then there's Netflix. A…
There are currently several great exhibitions on display in the Lamar Dodd School of Art, yet another of which is the ongoing show by the 2012 Dodd Professorial Chair, Kristen Morgin. The Dodd Chair allows the faculty to invite a guest to join their ranks for a semester (or two), teach classes,…
The Lamar Dodd School of Art is home to a number of popular majors and programs within the Franklin College, where cross-disciplinary collaboration is not only encouraged but is a fundamental component to student achievement and faculty effectiveness. One of the those is the science and medical…
  The University of Georgia department of dance CORE Concert Dance Company will present its contemporary and aerial dance concert "AWE-WAKENING!" Feb. 29 to March 3 at 8 p.m. in the New Dance Theatre. The 60-minute performance consists of a range aerial dance-including bungee-assistance,…
The Lamar Dodd School of Art, The Willson Center and ICE bring interdisciplinary artist Amy Franceschini to campus on March 6. Franceschini will deliver the lecture[ 4 p.m., 101 MLC] "Art is a Verb," which focuses on her recent work with sustainable energy, urban food production and dialogues…

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