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Arts News from the Chronicles

Inroads connecting town-and-gown are some of the most important in our localized orbit. Downtown Athens stalwart Aurum Studios is partnering with the Lamar Dodd School of Art to create new opportunities for UGA art students: The University of Georgia Lamar Dodd School of Art and Aurum Studios in…
Hugh Hodgson was a very important Georgian, because he believed in the citizens of this state - and the importance of educating them. He was a very significant faculty member at the University of Georgia because he believed in the power of music as a civilising force, a non-negotiable element of an…
Get ready for the University Theatre production of Chicago. The University of Georgia University Theatre will present Chicago, the world-famous musical about fame, fortune and "all that jazz" on April 12-14 and 18-21 at 8 p.m. and on April 22 at 2:30 p.m. in the Fine Arts Theatre. Originally…
The department of theatre and films studies will present the popular musical Chicago, directed by guest artist and Tony Award-winning choreographer and Bob Fosse protégé Chet Walker: The University of Georgia University Theatre will present Chicago, the world-famous musical about fame,…
The impact of high style on the hand-made elements of craft is an ongoing, if contentious, phenomenon. The Lamar Dodd School of Art hosts a lecture by a curator from the Victoria and Albert Museum, who will talk about the recent V & A exhibition exploring this topic. Glenn Adamson, Deputy Head…

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