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Arts News from the Chronicles

The Lamar Dodd School of Art presents "phlood," a one day show of Maymester student work on Tuesday June 5, 2012. The show includes graduate and undergraduate students working with animation, heroic painting*, printmaking and construction paper boat forms. A reception will be held from 4-6 pm, with…
The jewelry and metals area within the Lamar Dodd School of Art moved into newly renovated studio spaces earlier this year in the Thomas Street complex adjacent to North campus. A dynamic area of the art school with many hardworking (and some celebrated) students, J/M has long been a cornerstone of…
UGA welcomes David Trasoff, an ethnomusicologist, musician, and expert on the classical music of North India, as the Gordhan L. and Virginia B. “Jinx” Patel Distinguished Visiting Professor in Indian Music Arts in the Hugh Hodgson School of Music. Trasoff will be on campus from April 24…
Back in the fall, a film crew from the National Geographic Channel came to campus to make use of the motion-capture lab in the department of theatre and film studies. This week, that episode arrives to your TV. Two University of Georgia alumni and the dramatic media program in the UGA department of…
Congratulations to UGA Art student Rachel Columb:   The University of North Carolina-Asheville's Center for Craft, Creativity and Design has awarded 10 graduating seniors each with $15,000 in the form of a Windgate Fellowship, including Rachel Columb from the University of Georgia Lamar Dodd…

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