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Arts News from the Chronicles

On the heels of his second place finish at the International Instrumental Competition in Germany earlier this month, word now arrives that DMA student Simon Wildman has won First Prize in the Artist Tuba Solo Competition at the International Tuba Euphonium Conference in Linz, Austria.…
Speaking of the good life, the UGA campus and Athens, GA are blessed with many of the qualities by which we define that concept - walkability, a great library, an eclectic mix of people, and an arts scene that is deep and wide. If we were a sports franchise, I would say our bench players would be…
Franklin alumna and 2007 Pulitzer Prize winner Natasha Trethewey has been named the 19th Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry, the Library of Congress announced. Trethewey, 46, who has been the Poet Laureate of Mississippi since January, says that she’s excited and nervous and that “the position of…
One benefit, and there are many, of pulling together content for unit-level newsletters and soliciting news from faculty directly is that I find out about things they are doing that might normally escape (my) attention - professional activity that doesn't rise to the level of press releases, but a…
Simon Wildman, a second year Doctoral student at the Hugh Hodgson School of Music, was recently awarded Second Prize at the International Instrumental Competition in Markneukirchen, Germany. The competition is held for tuba once every four years, rotating among other orchestral instruments…

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