Tags: Christianity
Franklin faculty contributed popular press articles about issues of the day and had their research reported around the world. A sample from over the past month:
The grimy history of the Attorney General’s Office, associate professor of history Stephen Mihm in his regular column at Bloomberg
Here’s your answer when someone asks “How can it be so cold if there’s global warming?” Georgia Athletic Association…
For associate professor of history Jamie Kreiner, who teaches the history of Christianity and society from Constantine to Luther, the medieval period is full of surprises:
[I]t’s weird in ways you wouldn’t expect and very similar to our experiences in ways you wouldn’t expect. And the students who sign up have a great mix of interests. They come to the Middle Ages via “Game of Thrones,” actual gaming, Christianity, Islam, Monty…
Happy 231st Birthday, UGA. On Jan. 27, 1785 the members of the Georgia General Assembly established the University of Georgia as the first public land-grant university. Founders Week celebrations.
“Let's Let That Are Not Yet: Inferno,' a new book of poetry by professor of creative writing and English Ed Pavlić, was reviewed by Publisher's Weekly and The New York Times. Pavlić's book, 'Who Can Afford to…