Franklin faculty contributed popular press articles about issues of the day and had their research reported around the world. A sample from over the past month:
The grimy history of the Attorney General’s Office, associate professor of history Stephen Mihm in his regular column at Bloomberg
Here’s your answer when someone asks “How can it be so cold if there’s global warming?” Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Sciences and Geography Marshall Shepherd quoted by WSLS
Nine years on, the Deepwater Horizon’s well is a “hellscape” Regents Professor Samantha Joye quoted in Hakai Magazine
A day in the life of a scientist testifying to Congress about weather - Marshall Shepherd in his regular column at Forbes
UGA artists spend time in Columbus restoring historic Coca-Cola sign – WRBL
Conundrum: Why people do not listen to evacuation orders - Marshall Shepherd quoted at Scientific American
Scientists assess storage value in blue carbon ecosystems – research by associate professor of marine sciences Amanda Spivak reported by UGA Today, Coastal News Today
Amid long salvage operation, capsized cargo ship’s fuel spills worsen - Samantha Joye quoted in the AJC
Research suggests children exposed to nonverbal cues develop biases – research by assistant professor of psychology Allison Skinner reported by The Daily
A trillion dollar storm looms for earth and it’s not a hurricane - Marshall Shepherd writing in Forbes
How photosynthesis captures light and powers life on earth - professor emeritus of plant biology Gregory Schmidt quoted by HowStuffWorks
UGA professor works with Sapelo Island’s Gullah Geechee community – podcast interview with professor of geography Nik Heynen featured on WUGA
Friends with an ex? When to forgive and when to move on – professor of psychology Keith Campbell quoted by Today
The Puritans had two shots at building a Godly society - new book by Michael P. Winship, E. Merton Coulter Professor of History, reviewed in Christianity Today
This bizarre primate has a newly discovered digit – professor emerita of psychology Dorothy Fragaszy quoted by National Geographic, MSN
Plant physiology will be major contributor to future river flooding, study finds – research by assistant professor of geography Gabriel Kooperman reported at EurekAlert!
Trending maps reveal what makes viral content catch on - research by assistant professor of geography Jerry Shannon reported by UGA Today, Science Blog
Study provides framework for green plant evolution - research by professor of plant biology James Leebens-Mack reported widely by UGA Today, EurekAlert!, Seed Today, SciTech Daily, Technology
Humility makes you a better parent - Keith Campbell quoted at Medium
Questions raised after Dallas TV station airs NFL game instead of breaking tornado coverage - Marshall Shepherd quoted by NY Daily News
Parental depression forecasts kids’ later physical health – research by assistant professor psychology Katherine Ehrlich reported by UGA Today
Climate report spurs call to farmer action - Marshall Shepherd quoted by Ag/Update
Wealth tax could deliver happiness dividend – column by Stephen Mihm at Korea Herald
Image: Getty, via Christianity Today