Our March survey of media mentions and appearances by Franklin College faculty begins with the local coverage of professor and head of the department of history Stephen Mihm's journey to the South Pacific on a mission to search the ocean depths for soldiers who disappeared in a fierce battle of World War II. Mihm chronicled the search in the March issue of Smithsonian, in an article which also highlights the work of Franklin alumnus Dr. Patrick Scannon, who graduated from UGA in 1969 with a degree in chemistry.
“I was there from the beginning until the end – a little over three weeks,” said Mihm, who returned home with new skills and a respect for those dedicated to finding soldiers listed as missing in action.
Also from March:
Waterlogged soils can give hurricanes new life after they arrive on land – Marshall Shepherd, Georgia Athletic Association Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, quoted in Science News
What to know about Georgia's growing season and gardening during cooler weather – Pam Knox, Agricultural Climatologist, quoted by 11Alive
The differences between regional Southern accents, according to a linguist – Margaret Renwick, associate professor of linguistics, quoted in Southern Living
What Biden could learn from Ike’s leadership during the Suez crisis – Stephen Mihm writing at Pioneer Press
Society’s wicked problems require collaboration not silos – Marshall Shepherd writing at Forbes
How to fix your company’s culture of overwork – Malissa Clark, associate professor of psychology, writing at Harvard Business Review
“Brown Ocean Effect” reveals how mud influences South Carolina's hurricanes – Marshall Shepherd quoted in The Post and Courier
Smartphones, tablets causing mental health issues in kids as young as 2 – Keith Campbell, professor of psychology, quoted by Health Conscious
Image: Stephen Mihm, left, with Patrick Scanlon aboard a ship in the Pacific (Christopher Perez/Project Recovery Photo)