Tags: recovery
Our March survey of media mentions and appearances by Franklin College faculty begins with the local coverage of professor and head of the department of history Stephen Mihm's journey to the South Pacific on a mission to search the ocean depths for soldiers who disappeared in a fierce battle of World War II. Mihm chronicled the search in the March issue of Smithsonian, in an article which also highlights the work of Franklin alumnus Dr. Patrick…
Extraordinary new research on stem cells in our muscles that affects people at every age:
Muscle aches and pains, whether from stretching, strenuous exercise or just normal wear and tear, can put a crimp in your day, a limp in your step and be an actual pain in the neck. But no matter the severity, stem cells in the skeletal muscles called satellite cells play a key role in repairing the damage.
Without a proper function of satellite cells, as…
There are many places to start when it comes to how we might address, if not mitigate, the environmental impact of the space we take up, the resources we consume and the waste created by the combination of these two. We could even start with re-imagining our space itself, for one example.
The UGA Office of Sustainability, the UGA Special Collections Library and the Interior Design area of the Lamar Dodd School of Art have teamed up to…