Today is the day – and tomorrow, and Saturday! In an unusual turn consistent with this most unusual academic year, UGA will hold three undergraduate commencement ceremonies beginning tonight in Sanford Stadium. The Spring Graduate Commencement will held Friday at 10 a.m. in the stadium. Congratulations to every graduate at every level from every school and every college. Let the Chapel bell ring!
Welcome to the many family members and friends on campus this week, sharing photos and stories, connecting places to people, locations to names they've heard from their student during what we hope has been a wonderful adventure for all. The love and support that propels a student through university life starts at home, extending from communities near and far to create our very own campus learning environment that extends in every direction – including into the future, on which commencement and this week's graduates focus our attention.
Best wishes and good luck to all. Stay close and come back when you can. You have accomplished a remarkable feat that will only continue to become more clear and impactful in the years to come. Enjoy it. Share it. Build on it!