Today is The Day - all of the studying, books, classes, exams, friends, professors, meetings, study guides, notecards, letters home, study abroad experiences, internships, parttime jobs, scholarships, sporting events, weekends, pranks, performances, all-nighters, early coffees, late dinners, awards, honors, roommates, majors, DECISIONS, networking, buses, connections, papers, grades, interviews, accomplishments. It has all built up to this. Today. Commencement. Graduation. One thing ends, many others begin.
Congratulations to our graduates, and to their friends and families on this extraordinary milestone. You did it! The graduate ceremony is this morning, and the undergraduate festivities will illuminate the night sky above Sanford Stadium beginning at 7 p.m.
If you can't be there, live stream is available. Follow all the fun and share the happiness.