As we welcome the next amazing class of UGA students, highlighting achievements in rigorous academics and service to the campus community like those of Madison Jones gives us an idea of what it's all about at UGA:
My favorite things to do on campus are...
I love meeting friends for a quick bite at Bolton between classes since cooking is hard and the commuter meal plan is a gift to mankind. My favorite activities on campus probably happen inside the classrooms, though. My English professors and fellow classmates provide amazing discussions and a wonderful atmosphere, especially in my creative writing classes.
Of course, we always love to read and share these amazing student features. But Madison does a particular service to her favorite professors by including several by name in her profile. It's good to be reminded that our people are what makes UGA great - and the courses they teach are the oxygen in our learning environment. Congratulations to Madison on making the most of her opportunities. Great work, terrific combination of majors and degree objectives. And don't we all want to take that "Age of Johnson" course? Sign me up.