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Human Nature News from the Chronicles

Our colleagues from UGA Research Communications take a deep dive across the breadth of department of psychology research on schizophrenia, changing perceptions of the disorder, new information that could bring clarity to how clinicians diagnose and treat it in the future. Great work by some of…
"Any understanding of the world must begin at home--or end there." --Siegfried Lenz, The Heritage, 1981. Faculty members at the University of Georgia have partnered with Sandy Creek Nature Center to create a field school to teach students in a hands-on environment.  “We wanted…
Franklin College Advisory Board member Neicy Wells' (AB '96) commitment to Franklin and love for UGA is a building on her legacy of greatness at the university:   When Neicy Wells’ grandmother encouraged her to go to college and insisted she apply to the University of Georgia because “it…
Physical activity is crucial to children’s healthy physical and mental development. But new research from the University of Georgia shows hundreds of U.S. counties are play deserts. These play deserts are areas where parks and other spots to run around and play are nonexistent, hard to access…
Let the Chapel bell ring, today is the day! The University of Georgia welcomes its newest alumni on May 12 as 6,008 undergraduates have met requirements to participate in the university’s spring Commencement ceremonies. Congratulations to the 1,665 graduate students—a total of 7,673—who had…

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