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Arts News from the Chronicles

The UGA campus and community grieves the loss of a great educator, artist, musician and friend with the passing of Art Rosenbaum on September 4. For thirty years, the late professor emeritus Art Rosenbaum instructed a generation of painters at the Lamar Dodd School of Art with an eye toward bold,…
Over the summer, two faculty members from the University of Georgia department of theatre and film studies worked with the Aurora Theatre and Broadway Factor to bring Chris Anthony Ferrer’s debut play, “Swindlers,” to life. The play ran at the Aurora Theatre in…
The new School of Computing, faculty awards and grants as well as the promotion of Franklin College colleagues to university-level leadership positions highlight our kudos for the summer. Congratulations all!   University of Georgia to elevate computer science with new school – AJC, …
They are trailblazers and creatives…and now they are graduates of the MFA Film, Television and Digital Media program at the University of Georgia. The program, led by faculty from both Grady College and Franklin College and blends the curriculum to benefit the students, was approved…
Tenor Clay Hilley (BMUS '04) took on the role of Siegfried at the Bayreuth Festival for the premiere of “Götterdämmerung” on August 5, 2022. Hilley, who has performed at some of the most prominent houses in the world including the Dutch National Opera, the Deutsche Oper Berlin, the Bard Music…

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