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Arts News from the Chronicles

The Athenaeum, the University of Georgia’s downtown contemporary art space, was awarded a $60,000 Fall 2022 grant from the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts to support the exhibition Fabienne Lasserre: Listeners, marking the gallery’s first time receiving this prestigious…
For Isiah Lavender III, science fiction isn’t just a passing interest or favorite genre. The Sterling Goodman Professor of English in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences says science fiction is a storytelling device that can capture the human experience on an otherworldly level. In…
Over the past few years, the entire world has faced some harsh realities. A pandemic seemingly without end. A war between Ukraine and Russia. An international social movement in Black Lives Matter. For many, these moments in time are only seen through the lens of the fear, unrest and change they…
As part of the UGA Hugh Hodgson School of Music spring season, UGA Opera Theatre presents “Postcard from Morocco” by Dominick Argento Feb. 24 at 7:30 p.m. and Feb. 26 at 3 p.m. This work is the most performed American Chamber Opera in the world. This also marks the department’s first…
University of Georgia alumna Kelly Layton made a significant investment in the future of the program that gave her her start with a $500,000 gift to create the Layton Graphic Design Endowment. “Georgia has a great graphic design program, and more people need to know about it,” said Layton. “If you…

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