Tags: Middle Ages
Our colleagues with the UGA Libraries share one of the many humanities research experiences made possible through the extraordinary resources on campus:
On display through Aug. 26 at the Special Collections Libraries, “The Hargrett Hours: Exploring Medieval Manuscripts” presents insights gained by UGA students while investigating medieval manuscripts in the collections of the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
A Book of Hours is a…
For associate professor of history Jamie Kreiner, who teaches the history of Christianity and society from Constantine to Luther, the medieval period is full of surprises:
[I]t’s weird in ways you wouldn’t expect and very similar to our experiences in ways you wouldn’t expect. And the students who sign up have a great mix of interests. They come to the Middle Ages via “Game of Thrones,” actual gaming, Christianity, Islam, Monty…
The University of Georgia Alumni Association has unveiled the 40 Under 40 Class of 2018:
This program began in 2011 and celebrates the personal, professional and philanthropic achievements of UGA graduates who are under the age of 40. The honorees will be recognized during the eighth annual 40 Under 40 Awards Luncheon on Sept. 13 at the Georgia Aquarium.
Congratulations to this year's class. For 2018, 17 Honorees…
From cross-cultural and social adaptability to increased intelligence, cognition and empathy, there are a number of ways to approach the myriad benefits of knowing multiple languages. Included among these, brain fitness:
Multilingualism has been shown to have many social, psychological and lifestyle advantages. Moreover, researchers are finding a swathe of health benefits from speaking more than one language, including faster stroke recovery and…
Whether you are a student, faculty or staff member, the formula for academic excellence each and every semester is made up of unequal parts - study, preparation, classwork, rest, homework, effort, and the ability to take advantage of some downtime and recharge. This brings us to the Fall Break today - short and sweet, but very necessary for everyone. The intensity and pressure felt by so many needs a leavening agent in the form of a pause. A…
10. Red Clay Communications Inc., Atlanta
From California to New York, Franklin alumni are distinguishing themselves and UGA with great companies on the fast track to growth and success. As the academic heart of UGA with so many diverse offerings and opportunities, Franklin College departments are the place where so many students begin to connect creative ideas and discover their entrepreneurial spirit. An inspiration to the university…