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Tags: mathematics

  An image from a model created in an active learning course co-taught by mathematics professor David Gay and associate professor of graphic design Moon Jung Jang appeared as the cover of the October 23 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.   The model in the illustration was created by 3 math majors and one graphic design major, working collaboratively in the course "Math Outreach Design Lab.”…
Finding a proof for a mathematical conjecture – a strong guess illuminating a way forward – has helped shape the course of mathematical history. The mathematics world recently celebrated the achievements of a proof that proved a conjecture partially formulated by UGA faculty member Valery Alexeev. Professor Caucher Birkar of the University of Cambridge was awarded the 2018 Fields medal, widely considered to be an equivalent of a…
  Three University of Georgia undergraduates - two with Franklin College majors - are among 211 students from across the nation to be recognized as Barry Goldwater Scholars, earning the highest undergraduate award of its type for the fields of the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering: Georgia institutions had a total of six Goldwater Scholars. UGA had the highest number with three and was joined by Berry College, Emory…
The Georgia Museum of Art's partnership with Camp DIVE has focused on art and poetry, with about two dozen middle-school students enrolled in the camp visiting the museum weekly through the month of June to make connections between visual art and creating their own literature: Camp DIVE—which stands for discover, inquire, voice, and explore-provides local, underserved youth in Athens with a month-long free learning experience. This partnership…
Majoring in biology and psychology with a minor in chemistry, the senior from Augusta has put the focus of his UGA experience on research, interning and community volunteering as he prepares for medical school: My time at UGA could be characterized as a humbling yet exhilarating work in progress. I’ve had some of the most incredible experiences in my life, and the people I’ve met here have been even more incredible. Many of these friends…
The Office of Service Learning is planning an Experience UGA field trip for Clarke County second grade students. The field trip will take place over 4 days in April (7th-10th) during National Public Health Week. Each of the four days UGA will host ~250 students as they rotate through 4 stations focused on health. The four stations are: Physical Activity, Nutrition, Hand Washing & Germs, & Bullying Prevention. UGA undergraduates and…
The 5,285 freshmen who entered UGA this week, assembled into a Super G on Sunday in Sanford Stadium as part of the Freshman Welcome to the Class of 2018 sponsored by the Student Government Association and the Student Alumni Council.  That's a lot of people - normally, you would have to be crossing 42nd Street and 7th Ave to see that many people in one place. Welcome to everyone and do not worry: you will get lost, and then lost again…

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