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Tags: faculty

You are invited to the 2023 Franklin College of Arts and Science Homecoming Tailgate! Join Dean Anna Stenport on the New College Lawn outside New College for Flying Biscuit Cafe, beverages, and pre-game fun! Georgia v. Missouri Saturday, Nov. 4, 2023 12:30 p.m.   New College Lawn located between New College and the Chapel Register Now Please register to purchase tailgate tickets. The attending cost includes a catered lunch by Flying Biscuit…
In a world where immediate gratification often takes precedence, the concept of "treating yourself" has evolved into a call for indulgence and abundance. It's a phrase that frequently evokes images of overpriced lattes, impromptu shopping sprees, and the unceasing pursuit of fleeting pleasures. But is this culture of self-indulgence truly as innocent as it may seem? Researchers at the University of Georgia published a new paper examining the…
Happy Halloween! The week/month-long celebration of ghosts, ghouls, and making merry with costumes and candy – thanks, Wild Rumpus! – comes to end tonight. It will be time to put away the makeup and pumpkins and make way! Spotlight on the Arts begins Nov. 1 with a nice segue: Mariachi Sol de México de José Hernandez: Día de los Muertos  Mariachi master José Hernández and his Sol de México boast a history as rich and colorful as mariachi…
The University of Georgia elevated its longstanding department of computer science to a School of Computing in July 2022 in response to rising student enrollment, the growing role of computing in a range of fields, and the institutional investment in a Presidential Hiring initiative in data science and artificial intelligence. Created within an interdisciplinary framework, the School of Computing is jointly administered by the Franklin…
In the campus community, across the state and around the nation, we applaud the outstanding work by Franklin College faculty and students announced during October. A sample of the awards, grants, performances, and milestones: Organizers of this year’s Atlanta Art Week invited nine M.F.A. students at the Lamar Dodd School of Art to present the group exhibition “Unlisted” at The Works in Atlanta’s Upper Westside. The discipline of dance:…
Franklin College faculty and graduate students across the life sciences are engaged in bringing next-generation transportation fuels to market through a variety of ongoing research efforts. From  refinement of living organisms to breaking down sugars to release the energy in biomass, extraordinary researchers are developing new methods for displacing fossil fuels from the carbon budget. Our colleagues in the Office of Research share the…
Sharing disciplinary expertise and opinion on issues of the day are important constituent elements of public scholarship. Franklin College faculty and graduate students do their part month in, month out, enhancing the reputation of UGA and Franklin College in the process. A sample of the many stories across the media featuring our colleagues:   What Hollywood gets right-and wrong-about real-life AI – Stephen Mihm, professor and head of the…
A person with COVID-19 might transmit SARS-CoV-2 to domestic cats and dogs (and perhaps other pets) in the same way that an infected animal could possibly transmit it to another individual. In addition, lions, tigers, pumas, snow leopards and non-human primates from zoos or wildlife refuges in the U.S. and other countries have been confirmed infected with SARS-CoV-2, while infections have also been reported in white-tailed deer, both wild and…
Neww research from the University of Georgia has identified the critical role a particular type of protein – known as histone – plays in archiving information from past viral threats and contributing to more effective immune responses to future threats, through what is called genetic immunity. Histones are highly conserved proteins that have been compared to spools around which strands of DNA wrap themselves. A research team led by Michael Terns…
The RedandBlack highlights UGA dance faculty and students, and the enduring appeal of artistic expression through movement: Most student-professor relationships are contained within a classroom and last for a semester. But the faculty at the University of Georgia Department of Dance have a more lasting bond with their students. Their lessons are taken from the classroom to the studio and onto the stage. The department may be small but contains a…
Molecular scale breakthroughs in human health – from COVID-19 vaccines to cancer therapeutics – require scientists to understand how molecules interact with each other, akin to figuring out how puzzle pieces fit together. To do this, scientists use a special microscope called an atomic force microscope (AFM) that can see and manipulate molecules. For the virus that causes COVID-19, for example, this microscope can gently poke and measure…
Katrien Devos is Distinguished Research Professor with joint appointments in the University of Georgia’s departments of Crop & Soil Sciences and Plant Biology in the College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences (CAES) and Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, respectively. Specializing in plant genetics, she also is a member of CAES’ Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics & Genomics. In this interview, she discusses her…
The platform you can take with you, that so many people enjoy, is also very useful for learning about leading researchers and research topics of wide interest. New episodes of two podcasts each feature Franklin College faculty discussing their work, shedding light, and sharing their expertise. In a new episode of People, Parasites, & Plagues, the jhosts interview Dr. Xiaorong Lin, a distinguished professor of medical mycology at the…
Recent discoveries in the field of epigenetics, the study of inheritance of traits that occur without changing the DNA sequence, have shown that chronological age in mammals correlates with epigenetic changes that accumulate during the lifetime of an individual. In humans, this observation has led to the development of epigenetic clocks, which are now extensively used as biomarkers of aging. While these clocks work accurately from birth until…
Thriving students, faculty and staff of the Franklin College pushes UGA to ever-greater heights, A few of the awards and shoutoutds we celebrated during September: University of Georgia professor J. Marshall Shepherd was npresented with the prestigious 2023 Environmental Achievement Award by the Environmental Law Institute 2023 University Professor Jean Martin-Williams, associate dean in the Franklin College, and 2023 Regents Professor Michael…
Six UGA students and four staff members received scholarships and awards during the Black Faculty and Staff Organization’s 2023 Founders Award Scholarship Ceremony, held Sept. 19. UGA President Jere W. Morehead expressed his appreciation to the BFSO for its assistance in supporting the institution’s students. “What the Black Faculty and Staff Organization does at this event, and the work leading up to this event, is especially important because…
From storms to smart phones to... what happened to the Southern accent? Research from Franklin College faculty and graduate students was widely reported during September. A sample of the stories and media pick from across the globe: Scientists are asked if humans have broken the Earth’s climate – Marshall Shepherd, Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor od Geography, quoted by CleanTechnica, The Extinction Chronicles  Does…
Awareness about languages, the differences in how individuals speak, and how these create local identities may come as no great surprise to American Southerners. When speakers of certain linguistic varieties decline, though, their languages become endangered. Keith Langston’s scholarship addresses questions of linguistic structure and the relationship of language and identity, with a focus on the country of Croatia. “We always have this idea…
A collaborative study between the University of Georgia and Georgia Tech has found the classic Southern accent is undergoing rapid change in Georgia. The instigator? Generation X. “We found that, here in Georgia, white English speakers’ accents have been shifting away from the traditional Southern pronunciation for the last few generations,” said Margaret Renwick, associate professor in UGA’s Franklin College of Arts and Sciences department of…
University of Georgia professor J. Marshall Shepherd was recently named the recipient of the prestigious 2023 Environmental Achievement Award. This accolade is presented annually by the Environmental Law Institute to individuals or organizations that have made notable contributions to environmental protection, conservation and sustainability. “Dr. Shepherd’s outstanding career and commitment to understanding and communicating about climate…
Faculty and students in the department of sociology were recognized for career excellence and innovative research at the 118th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association: The Educative Power of Sociology in Philadelphia, PA in mid-August. William Alex Pridemore, professor and head of the department of sociology, received the 2023 Albert J. Reiss Distinguished Scholarship Award. Presented every other year by the…
New research from UGA plant scientists describe how CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology has a significant role to play in developing sustainable agriculture. The study and illustrations are featured on the cover of the August issue of the CRISPR Journal, which details how recent studies in the deployment of genome editing in trees are opening new avenues for sustainable forestry: The widespread success of CRISPR medicines in the clinic is…
Professor and head of the department of theatre and films studies Julie Ray served as Scenic Designer for the recently-opened Beautiful: The Carole King Musical for Aurora Theatre. MFA candidates Jack Stoffel and Cody Russell served alongside her as Assistant Scenic Designers with Russell also designing props. Aurora Theatre holds a special place within UGA and the department, as one of its co-founders is alumnus Anthony Rodriguez…
Imitating the astonishing energy efficiency phenomena of the human brain presents the next challenge in high-speed computing. Potential solutions might combine new quantum functionality that arise from nano-scale complex materials to replicate brain-like performance, or neuromorphic computing. Yohannes Abate, Susan Dasher and Charles Dasher MD Professor of Physics in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences department of physics and…
To celebrate the start of the Fall 2023 semester, the Lamar Dodd School of Art welcomes friends and members of the community to the Back to School Exhibition Opening, an occasion to meet six new faculty members and an incoming cohort of graduate students in studio art, art education, and art history while enjoying four exhibitions on view in the Dodd Galleries. The exhibition opening, on Friday August 11 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Lamar…

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