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Career Resources for Humanities Majors

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Internship and Career Resources for Over the Summer

The Internship and Career Coordinator for the Humanities is on hiatus until August but there's plenty of help to be had for students looking for jobs or internships.

Humanities Virtual Job Board

I will continue to post to the Virtual Job Board over the summer, but if you check it out and the jobs are old, don't assume there aren't new jobs available--posting will be more sporadic until I am back in the office in August. And just a reminder, the Virtual Job Board is a list of jobs that may be a good fit for humanities students (students majoring in Classics, Comparative Literature and Intercultural Studies, English, Germanic & Slavic Studies, History, Linguistics, Philosophy, Religion, and Romance Languages).  All opportunities are listed newest to oldest. 


More News from the Internship and Career Coordinator Office


Employment Outcomes for Humanities Majors in Georgia

The American Academy of Arts & Sciences have created state profiles that explore what humanities majors do for work, what they earn, and how they compare to graduates from other fields.  You can see the results for Georgia here and here.  And you can look at the results from other states here.

Humanities Majors By The Numbers

Majoring in the humanitiesAfrican Studies, Asian Studies, Classics, Comparative Literature and Intercultural Studies, English, Germanic and Slavic Studies, History, Native American Studies, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Linguistics, Philosophy, Religion, or Romance Languageswill set students up for success in their professional lives.

Study The Humanities outlines how our majors find career success and satisfaction.

The BBC reported on how so-called "worthless" humanities degrees can set graduates up for life.

The Chronicle of Higher Education says that "Over Time, Humanities Grads Close the Pay Gap With Professional Peers."

And even the New York Times has reported that "In the Salary Race, Engineers Sprint but English Majors Endure."

University of Georgia Resources for Our Majors

When it comes time for our students to think about internships and post-graduate jobs, we are here to help!

To discuss options and application best practices, students can make an appointment with Christine Lasek-White, Internship and Career Coordinator for the Humanities.

The University of Georgia Career Center offers a plethora of free resources for students considering careers. 

Just to name a few:

The University of Georgia Career Guide, which covers everything from using social media in your job search, to writing cover letters and resume, to how to talk about your part-time work and extracurricular activities during a job interview.

Hosting Career Fairs in the Fall and Spring, featuring employers excited to hire UGA students and graduates, and information on how to get Career Fair ready.

Arch Ready Sessions, which are a series of free in-person and virtual workshops, designed to help students make the transition from student to professional.

The University of Georgia Mentorship Program, which connects current students with over 4,500 diverse and experienced UGA Mentors (alumni, faculty, and staff).  Students can elect to participate in the full 16-week Mentorship Program or take part in 15-30 minute quick chats.

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