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News from the Chronicles - June 2012

The NY Times Green blog has an interesting post on global warming trends, as illustrated by a nice interactive map produced by Climate Central. Alongside overall warming trends, the maps show how some states are lagging in warming trends compared to others. Tthe reporter quotes UGA professor and director of the Atmospheric Sciences program, Marshall Shepherd, president-elect of the American Metoerological Society, on the phenomena of '…
The UGA Office of the Vice President for Research has released the Spring 2012issue of Research magazine with several articles detailing the work of Franklin faculty, including: Harry and Jane Willson Professor in the Humanities Bill Kretzschmar, on his work in language variations and complex systems. Associate professor of psychology Adam Goodie on the nature of pathological gambling. Responding to climate change as a research…
A senior from Macon, Lauren Anderson is engaged with unique combination of opportunies at UGA to focus her studies at the confluence of U.S. foreign policy and the international politics of human rights. Lauren Anderson: Degree objective: A.B. in international affairs, A.B. in human geography, minor in African studies and anthropology   During fall semester of my sophomore year, I enrolled in Dr. Amy Ross’ geography of human rights…
How far removed are we from connecting a successful life with the ability to enjoy it? It can be a painful question, one that seems like an assault on capitalism. But you would think that capitalism could withstand a vigorous debate on its ultimate purpose. As this essay In Praise of Leisure points out, it's a subject the great economist John Maynard Keynes was willing to contemplate even in 1930. Imagine a world in which most people worked…
Speaking of the good life, the UGA campus and Athens, GA are blessed with many of the qualities by which we define that concept - walkability, a great library, an eclectic mix of people, and an arts scene that is deep and wide. If we were a sports franchise, I would say our bench players would be starting for most other teams around the league - at any level. Because of the people who have been coming to the University as faculty and students…
On the heels of his second place finish at the International Instrumental Competition in Germany earlier this month, word now arrives that DMA student Simon Wildman has won First Prize in the Artist Tuba Solo Competition at the International Tuba Euphonium Conference in Linz, Austria. Congratulations to the tuba studio of Dr. David Zerkel in the Hodgson School of Music on the outstanding achievements of Wildman, as well as DMA students David…
University of Georgia scientists have utilized a well-known cell-signaling protein in fighting influenza and the results have been promising: Kimberly Klonowski, assistant professor of cellular biology in the UGA Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, and her colleagues found that administering a cell-signaling protein known as IL-15 to mice infected with influenza reduces their peak viral load by nearly three times. "We gave the IL-15…
Social media tools have the perception of keeping us all connected, but we probably shouldn't dismiss the extent to which they are also self-serving, so says a new study: New research from the University of Georgia finds what people may really "like" about social networking are themselves. "Despite the name ‘social networks,' much user activity on networking sites is self-focused," said Brittany Gentile, a UGA doctoral candidate who looked at…
Coevolution is the change of a biological object triggered by the change of a related object. And up until now there has been little evidence of it driving changes in Earth's history, though that, too, seems to be changing: A new University of Georgia study shows that some native clearweed plants have evolved resistance to invasive garlic mustard plants—and that the invasive plants appear to be waging a counterattack. The study, published…

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