We are indeed thankful for the research findings and expertise from Franklin faculty members shared regularly in media across the globe. Archeology and the dangers of online gambling lead November's samples of recent stories and coverage:
Why school location can expose certain kids to more air pollution – Marshall Shepherd, Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor of Geography and Atmospheric Science and Franklin College associate dean, writes in his column at Forbes
Talking to someone in person better for mood than using smartphones all day – research led by Christina Leckfor, doctoral student in psychology reported by StudyFinds
Cloudy with a chance of science – Marshall Shepherd quoted by WVTF
The roots of Trump's rage – Joshua Miller, professor of psychology, quoted in a New York Times opinion essay on the existential threat that Donald Trump represents to the American political and legal systems
How tiny hinges bend the infection-spreading spikes of a coronavirus – research led by Lance Wells, Distinguished Research Professor and GRA Distinguished Investigator in biochemistry and molecular biology, reported at Phys.org
“Disaster” — kids, teens becoming easily addicted to online gambling, experts say – Adam Goodie, professor and head of the department of psychology, interviewed on 11Alive
Long before the first Thanksgiving, an artificial island in Florida hosted a cross-cultural feast – archeology research led Victor Thompson, Distinguished Research Professor of Anthropology, featured in Atlas Obscura
Archeology program enters new phase: UGA students, community search for people of the past – Grady Newsource
Searching for deep-sea worms in East Antarctica – research expedition by Holly Bik, assistant professor marine sciences, reported by UGA Research
Today’s “violent” Congress would make Civil War-era lawmakers laugh – Stephen Mihm, professor and head of the department of history, writing at Bloomberg
Image: research team excavating remains of fortification walls on Mound Key, Florida. Photo by VICTOR D. THOMPSON, via Atlas Obscura