From the Ebola outbreak to the eclipse of the Hunter's Moon to securing the White House, Franklin faculty answered reporter queries and authored popular press articles on a variety of subjects. A sampling from over the past month:
UGA to share National Science Foundation grant – Tina Salguero, assistant chemistry professor, is on one of nine research teams across the country to share an $18 million NSF grant “to investigate the promise of 2-D layered materials.” Salguero will work with three University of California-Riverside researchers.
Sea floors host surprise methane-munching microbes, reports “This is a niche that has been completely unaccounted for,” said professor of marine sciences Samantha Joye.
Is U.S. ready for a pandemic? – Bloomberg essay by associate professor of history Stephen Mihm: “Although the likelihood of a large-scale outbreak of Ebola is almost immeasurably tiny, Americans have begun to ask, ‘Who, really, is in charge of snuffing out a potential epidemic?’”
Guest Op-ed by Athletic Association Professor of Social Sciences Marshall Shepherd in the Washington Post on the Lesson from the weather community on Ebola
“Of Myself I Sing” – A New York Times column on narcissistic posts on Facebook quotes psychology professor W. Keith Campbell that those who are narcissistic offline also narcissistically overshare online.
Distilling more than a century of American Indian history into a digital map – history professor Claudio Saunt’s online interactive map is “a lesson in the power of public history, and a case study for a profession grappling with how to encourage and evaluate digital experimentation,” writes the Chronicle of Higher Education in a feature story.
Study by Ashley Barr, a recent doctoral graduate in the department of sociology explores connections between romantic relationships, health – Health Canal
Seeking Congressional ‘Buy In’ – The approach of asking Congress to approve a military operation “isn’t what the Founders imagined whey they envisioned the powers of ‘war and peace’ in the new United States,” Stephen Mihm wrrote in Bloomberg View.
Northrop Grumman joins NOAA Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador Initiative – Space Ref. Marshall Shepherd, past president of the American Meteorological Society and UGA Athletic Association Professor participated in a panel discussion on Sept. 18
Weather Channel’s Sam Champion to headline event on climate change – AJC article says the event will feature a discussion with a panel of experts, including Marshall Shepherd, director of UGA’s Atmospheric Sciences Program
Humans altering climate is nothing new, but today's scale is more massive – ABH article quotes Victor Thompson, anthropology professor
Q&A on the News (Israeli and Palestinian situation) – AJC answer includes Kevin Jones, assistant professor of history
Kanye West: Narcissist of the Day – Time Magazine article quotes Keith Campbell
“Heart, mind and eye – the art of Lamar Dodd” – The Saporta Report recalls the life of the eminent UGA-based artist and faculty member on the 105th anniversary of his birth.
Air Force removes God from chain of command – San Antonio Express-News column by Stephen Mihm, associate professor of history, for Bloomberg News, syndicated widely.
Discovery opens doors to building better plants – article quotes Will York, professor of biochemistry and molecular biology in UGA’s Complex Carbohydrate Research Center)
UPS store adding more 3-D printing locations – WABE-FM article quotes David Gay, associate professor of math
Eat those leafy greens to improve eyesight – Oconee Enterprise article quotes psychology professor Randy Hammond, director of the UGA Vision Sciences Laboratory
UGA chemist mixes science, spirituality – Eau Claire Leader-Telegram (Dr. Fritz Schaefer spoke at Univ of Wisconsin-Eau Claire)
“Weather Geeks,” hosted by UGA professor Marshall Shepherd on the Weather Channel, featured research by professor John Knox. The weekly show, which airs at noon on Sundays, is the channel’s highest-rated Sunday show at start-up.
Cine presents retro horror films for Halloween season – R&B article quotes Christopher Sieving, film studies professor
“Should the White House be a bunker?” – Bloomberg column by Stephen Mihm
Lamar Dodd School of Art director and professor Chris Garvin attempts to make Lamar Dodd more collaborative – R&B
Eclipse of Hunter's Moon a pre-dawn show Wednesday – Albany Herald article quotes Robin Shelton, professor of physics and astronomy
Art unexplained – R&B article is about Michael Oliveri, assistant art professor
“Professor’s winning words a meditation on American culture” – The Red & Black profiles professor of English and creative writing Ed Pavlic, named one of five winners in this year’s National Poetry Series open competition