Office of Faculty Affairs Faculty Appointments Memorandum
Please refer to the Office of Faculty Affairs website.
Franklin College Faculty Recruitment
To help with your faculty recruitment, the College now has a webpage devoted to this process, which includes a Faculty Recruitment Checklist that takes you step by step and offers helpful web and email links. The tenure recruitment process is overseen by Kellie Borders (542-1538) in the Dean's office, in case you should have any questions.
Faculty Letter of Offer Templates
Offers for Tenure-Track and Full-Time Contract Positions
If you are preparing to make an offer for a tenure-track or tenured Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor position, or for a full-time, contract Academic Professional, Instructor, Lecturer, or Research Scientist position, please contact Kellie Borders (542-1538) in the Franklin College Dean’s Office to ensure that your unit is working with the most current Franklin College Letter of Offer and Memorandum of Understanding template for these positions.
Offers for Part-Time and Temporary Positions at Any Rank
If you are preparing to make an offer for a part-time or temporary ("limited term") position at any rank, please contact Nicole Vallencourt ( in the Franklin College Dean’s Office to ensure that your unit is working with the most up-to-date information.
Graduate Faculty Appointments
If you are preparing a new faculty appointment that will also require graduate faculty status, please contact Sherry Gray (542-1561) in the Franklin College Dean’s Office to ensure that your Graduate Faculty Appointment is coordinated in conjunction with the new faculty appointment. This policy and procedure can be found at the Franklin College website.
Endowed Professorships
Please remember that endowed professor appointments must be scheduled for review and approval by the Board of Regents after they are approved by the Provost. All of these approvals must be given before the faculty start date, so please plan to have your endowed professor appointments prepared early.
Email Address for Delivery of Electronic Transcripts to Faculty Affairs
An electronic transcript must be sent to this email address, and it must be sent direct from the institution—they cannot accept electronic transcripts sent elsewhere and then forwarded by the hiring unit, nor from anyone else.
Email Address for Delivery of Requests to the Equal Opportunity Office
Use this Equal Opportunity Office email address for whenever you wish to send a request for approval to hire by search or by direct hire procedure.
The Franklin College Retire-Rehire Checklist should be used as a cover for your retire-rehire requests. Please note that this process underwent significant changes in 2016. Contact Kellie Borders (324 Old College) to request the latest checklist that can guide you through this new process, which should be planned well in advance of a projected re-employment date.
Remember that all research faculty hiring proposals are also subject to the Provost’s 30-day deadline as well as the current semester deadline suggested above.
Remember that the postdoctoral TEACHING appointments—which are prepared on paper, not in FacultyJobs—are also subject to the Provost’s 30-day deadline as well as the current semester deadline suggested above.