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Tags: Seminar

“Humanities & Arts as Competitive Difference” Thursday, Dec. 12, 2:30-3:30pm Presenters: Nicholas Allen, Baldwin Professor in Humanities & Director, Willson Center for Humanities & Arts Mark Callahan, Artistic Director, UGA Arts Collaborative; Associate Academic Director, Willson Center Elizabeth Wright, Distinguished Research Professor of Spanish Literature & Associate Academic Director, Willson Center  The arts and…
QED is an online monthly series hosted by Distinguished Visiting Professor Ingrid Daubechies. Professor Emerita Sybilla Beckmann earned a PhD in mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania and taught at Yale University before her tenure of 32 years at the University of Georgia. Beckmann began her career doing research in arithmetic geometry, but she became interested in mathematics education as her children entered school. She…
Dialogues in Diversity is a lunchtime speaker series that provides faculty and staff a space to engage in group discussions around thematic areas of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Space is filled on a first-come basis. There is no cost to attend, but prior registration is required. Lunch will be provided. SPEAKER:  Elizabeth Weeks, J.D.  ▪ UGA Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs  ▪ Professor…
 The Monday Plant Biology Seminar Series features a talk by Tati Russo-Tait, assistant professor in the UGA department of cellular biology.   Russo-Tait leads the ACCESS lab. The ACCESS lab aims to re-frame "access" in college STEM education by engaging in research that focuses on Advancing Critical Consciousness, Equity, and Social Justice in STEM.   This seminar will explore how “color-blind” ideology can inform STEM…
4 PM: Composition Seminar 6 PM: Performance Ravish Momin is an Indian-born drummer, electronic music producer and educator residing in New York City. A Structural/Civil Engineer by training, Momin also privately studied with Jazz master-drummer Andrew Cyrille for years while he worked as an engineer in New York City in the late 1990s. He quit his engineering practice in 2003 to become a professional musician. His unique approach quickly led him…
Title TBD, Dr. Hugo Bellen, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX.  
"Decoding the Brain by Cell Lineage Analysis," Dr. Tzumin Lee, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Janelia Research Campus, Ashburn, VA.  
"Intracellular Pattern Formation," Dr. Jacek Gaertig, Department of Cellular Biology, University of Georgia.  
"Leveraging SLiMs to Reveal Signaling by the Calcineurin Phosphatase," Dr. Martha Cyert, Department of Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
Join Jack Payne Alumni Seminar Series speaker Dr. Laura Williams with the Department of Biology at Providence College for her webinar, “What makes a good killer? Phenotypic and genomic variation among predatory bacteria” Host: Microbiology Graduate Student Association (MGSA) Zoom:    
"The Origins, Evolution and Significance of the Ribosome," Dr. Loren Williams, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology.
"Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1: From Model Host to Industrial Applications," Dr. Suvi Santala, faculty of engineering and natural sciences, Tampere University (Finland).
"Planar Signaling Mechanisms and Cell-Matrix Interactions Underlie the Collective Migration of Gastrula Cells," Dr. Jason Jessen, Department of Biology, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN.
"Chromatin Regulation in Development and Disease," Mary Goll, Department of Genetics, UGA  
"Unraveling the Mysterious Growth Pattern of the Bacterial Plant Pathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens,"  Dr. Pamela Brown, Division of Biological Sciences, University of Missouri.  Brown is the 2019 guest speaker for the Jack Payne Alumni Seminar Series. Host:  Microbiology Graduate Student Association (MGSA).      
"Mechanosensory Feedback Drives Homeostatic Modulation of a Model Serotonin Motor Circuit in C. elegans," Dr. Kevin Collins, Department of Biology, University of Miami.
"Experimental Evolution of Multicellularity in the Green Alga Chlamydomonas," Dr. Matthew Herron, School of Biological Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology.    
"Atypical GPCR Signaling In Inflammation and Vascular Function," Dr. Neil Grimsey, Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences, UGA.    
The New Faculty Orientation welcomes new faculty to UGA with this day-long opportunity to learn about UGA and to connect to support services and other new faculty. Registration information will be available in June.     
"Host-pathogen interactions between the sexually-transmitted parasite Trichomona vaginalis and its human host," Patricia Johnson, UCLA.
Write@UGA presents a featured speaker on Wednesday, February 13, 2019. This year, we will host Professor Mike Palmquist, University Distinguished Teaching Scholar and Associate Provost for Instructional Innovation at Colorado State University for two events: 8:45 am-10:15 am Lecture: Writing, Engagement, and Critical Thinking: Using Writing to Enhance Student Learning 277 Special Collections Library 11:15 am-12:15 pm Workshop: Using…
"Regulation of Synaptic Plasticity by RGS Proteins and the Impact of Human Genetic Variation on this Process," John R. Hepler, professor, Department of Pharmacology, Emory University School of Medicine.
"Augustine on Love, Conflict and the Goods We Hold in Common" will be presented by visiting scholar Richard B. Miller. Richard B. Miller is the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Professor of Religious Ethics at the University of Chicago Divinity School. Professor Miller’s research interests include religion and public life, political and social ethics, theory and method in religious thought and ethics, and practical ethics. Author of…
“Oxygen-dependent Glycosylation Regulates the Ubiquitin/Proteasome System in Toxoplasma and other Protists,” Dr. Christopher M. West, Professor and Head of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Georgia.
Participants in this interactive seminar will examine best practices in how to design and structure a successful FYO course experience. Structured like a true workshop, participants can expect to make progress in the development of their FYO seminars.  Attendees are encouraged to come with drafts of syllabi, past assignments, etc. Notions of backward design will be central to this session, and faculty will leave with practical pre…

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