On Nov. 14, undergraduate students from across campus gathered in the Miller Learning Center’s Reading Room for an afternoon devoted to writing—and write they did.
Supported by a Parents Leadership Council grant and hosted by UGA English faculty and writing program administrators Lindsey Harding, Sara Steger, Becky Hallman Martini and Elizabeth Davis, 49 students from across campus registered for this year’s Undergraduate Writing Retreat.…
Tags: WIP
Associate professor of art history and 2019 Meigs Teaching Professor Shelley Zuraw makes her expertise in Renaissance and Baroque art resonate with today's students:
“My field is shifting, and I need to prepare my students, not for the Renaissance art I was trained in, but for the way it is now,” she said.
Perhaps more importantly, she makes it come alive and turns art history into “a subject that one does not rehearse,…