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Tags: South

When we initially shared this new linguistics research late last year, it was tailor-made for media across the region, the nation and beyond. Since then UGA researchers Margaret Renwick and Jon Forrest have become a familiar presence in numerous reports of the demise of the Southern drawl. Georgia Magazine revisits the story in its new issue: Sometimes, linguistic studies start with a hunch. A good example is when a non-researcher notices that a…
The department of religion presents the next Religion & Common Good seminar on Sept. 14 at 7 p.m. with Jerry Taylor, director of the Center for Race Studies and Spiritual Action at Abilene Christian University. Dr. Taylor's presentation is “The Influence of White Supremacy on the Church in the South.” Founding Director of the Carl Spain Center, [Taylor] is Associate Professor of Bible, Missions and Ministry at Abilene…
The University of Georgia has awarded a grant to a 22-member UGA academic team to study the history of slavery at UGA from the institution’s founding in 1785 until the end of the Civil War in 1865. The research team—which spans multiple schools, colleges and other units across the university—will conduct a multidisciplinary study of enslaved African Americans who labored on the UGA campus. In September, the team submitted a proposal, which was…
The University of Georgia welcomes renowned historian and anthropologist James F. Brooks as the inaugural holder of the Carl and Sally Gable Distinguished Chair in Southern Colonial American History. An innovative scholar and teacher, Brooks is author of the prize-winning book Captives and Cousins: Slavery, Kinship and Community in the Southwestern Borderlands, which garnered seven major prizes including the Bancroft, Parkman and…
A title that would make an extraordinary single article [or film], but this triumvirate of stories in the media over the weekend featuring Franklin College faculty provides a handy illustration of the breadth of arts and science scholarship. Professor emeritus of history James Cobb in TIME magazine: During the 1950s and ‘60s, New York-based publications like TIME, Newsweekor Harper’s regularly devoted special issues or…
On the heels of Christopher Columbus' initial ventures into the New World, word traveled quickly among the indigenous peoples of present-day Florida and the Caribbean. Of those, the Calusa, began a protracted battle with the Spaniards that lasted centuries. The work of archeology professor Victor Thompson to understand the world and the ways of the Calusa is uncovering fascinating new artifacts and details: Thompson stands behind the steering…

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