Tags: mycoplasmology
The International Organization of Mycoplasmology has selected Duncan Krause as the 2020 Emmy Kleineberger-Nobel award for research in Mycoplasmology. The award for Dr. Krause, Professor Emeritus in the department of microbiology, was announced by the IOM in June.
Emmy Klieneberger-Nobel (February 15, 1892 – September 11, 1985) was a German Jewish microbiologist and a founder of mycoplasma bacterial research. She…
The department of religion will present the next research seminar in the Religion and the Common Good seminar series March 20 at 7 p.m. in Room 248 of the Miller Learning Center:
The seminar, “Augustine on Love, Conflict and the Goods We Hold in Common,” by Richard B. Miller of the University of Chicago Divinity School is open free to the public.
Miller is the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Professor of Religious Ethics at the University of Chicago.…