The Franklin College of Arts and Sciences wishes you a very happy and healthy holiday season. Stay safe, protect your loved ones and your community, and enjoy the rest and relaxation of the holidays as we look forward to 2021.
Tags: Hanukkah
The Franklin College of Arts and Sciences wishes you all the best for the holidays and in the new year 2020!
University of Georgia offices will be closed beginning December 25 and re-open January 2, 2020.
May your holidays be filled with joy and light from within.
Best wishes this holiday season and in the New Year from the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences.
While they are often identified as poles, a spectrum or even a line of demarcation from one kind of investigation into another, science and art can and occasionally do cohabitate, as in the case of UGA research scientist Stefan Eberhard, who utilizes scientific instrumentation for creative purposes:
Besides being a longtime research professional at the University of Georgia’s Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, Eberhard is also an accomplished…