Tags: development
Great story celebrating a longtime faculty member, a revamped facility that will directly benefit students, and the enduring power of philanthropy:
A recent renovation of the recording control room at the Hugh Hodgson School of Music features improved recording quality and more opportunities for performers and engineers. The renovation was made possible by a donation from the late Cora Nunnally Miller, the stepdaughter of the school’s…
“Our study raises the possibility that perceptual processes differ between humans and other primates in ways consequential for flaking stones,” Mangalam said.
The full study is available at http://rsbl.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/14/1/20170587
Image: A wild bearded capuchin monkey is striking an intact piaçava nut with a quartzite stone hammer (Credit: Dorothy M. Fragaszy).
Despite a nationwide emphasis on increasing the number of students entering science, technology, engineering and math fields, many leave the disciplines within their first two years. Now a group of institutions led by the University of Georgia will spearhead a new phase of development of a national network to support integration of research experiences into undergraduate life science lab courses.
The network, called "Course-based Undergraduate…
Current UGA students are availed of a unique opportunity for course credit and valuable career preparation this upcoming Maymester, 2014. Boot Camp: Entrepreneurial Leadership in the Arts and Sciences
FCID 3800: Leadership in the Arts and Sciences (3 credits)
Students will explore the application of arts and sciences educational foundations to practical issues of leadership and innovation. Individual assessments of leadership skills will help…