Tags: Center for Applied isotope Studies
For more than 40 years, scientists from the American Museum of Natural History have conducted research on St. Catherines Island, a barrier island off the Georgia coast. That work resulted in the 1981 rediscovery of the long-lost site of the Franciscan mission Santa Catalina de Guale (1566-1680) and the explorations of two large, constructed shell rings created on opposite sides of the island 5,000 years ago.
Four decades worth of artifacts and…
More than 100 researchers gathered in Athens in May when the University of Georgia hosted the Radiocarbon and Archaeology 9th International Symposium. The symposium, held at the Classic Center, showcased current archaeological research that employs radiocarbon dating, as well as recent developments in the radiocarbon technique. Along with a full range of academic sessions and lectures, the symposium also included several social events and field…
The Center for Applied Isotope Studies provides crucial research and analytical expertise in radiocarbon dating on campus and around the world. The commitment of its faculty, staff and students also stretches into helping young people think about science by bringing anthropology to life:
[Former CAIS research scientist Alice Hunt] wanted a way to hook undergraduate students while teaching them the skills professors are…